Green Mountains and White Clouds

Green Mountains and White Clouds

  • Image Number: K2A001022N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Yuan Dynasty;元人 Anonymous
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 48.9×107.2、拖尾10
  • Description:
    This scroll painting shows the green mountains are connected with each other, and white clouds are lingering in the valley. At the foot of the mountain, several families were hidden by the trees. Faced with such a quiet picture, it can not help feeling that the world is wide, which is a rare green landscape masterpiece in the Yuan Dynasty. However, in addition to painting the outline of clouds with white powder, and painting the mountains with green paint; The moss spots in the mountains are painted with “Mijiadian”. The foliage of the trees is not carefully drawn, but directly expressed in different shades of ink. These painting techniques were obviously influenced by Gao Kegong, a scholar painter in the Yuan Dynasty, and are rich in ink and wash.

元人青山白雲 卷

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