White jade belt buckle, Yuan to Ming dynasties, 1271-1644 C.E.

White jade belt buckle, Yuan to Ming dynasties, 1271-1644 C.E.

  • Image Number: K1C001844N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Clothing and accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    It is made of jade, green and cracked, and some of it has baked skin. The utensil is made of rectangular wall shape, four corners are circular arcs, and the middle hole is also made of rectangular shape. The front side is carved with two dragons. The dragons are bent and coiled, and the other side is plain without lines. This piece is now stored in the “Lin Bi Liu Hui” brocade wooden box together with two other jade ornaments and one album.

元至明 白玉帶扣
图片[2]-White jade belt buckle, Yuan to Ming dynasties, 1271-1644 C.E.-China Archive
图片[3]-White jade belt buckle, Yuan to Ming dynasties, 1271-1644 C.E.-China Archive
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