vase BM-PDF.237

Period:Yuan dynasty Production date:1327

Dimensions:Height: 720 millimetres

Longquan stoneware vase with long neck and flared mouth. The vase has grey-green glaze. There are carved petals around lower part of the exterior, concentric rings around the neck, and pomegranate scrolls around the body. There is an inscription around the lip.
图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.237-China Archive 图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.237-China Archive 图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.237-China Archive 图片[4]-vase BM-PDF.237-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Yuan 14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 237Large dated temple vase This tall vase is carved around the ovoid body and neck with peony or camellia scrolls. Its construction is typical of the Yuan dynasty as its base is inserted separately fixed with glaze, and the foot ring left unglazed. Carved around the inner lip are sixty-one characters. This dedication is read counterclockwise 栝倉剱川流山萬安社居奉三寳弟子張進成燒造大花瓶壹雙捨入覺林院大法堂佛前永充供養祈福保安家門吉慶者泰定四年丁卯嵗仲秋吉日謹題 (Guacang Jianchuan Liushan Wan’anshe ju feng sanbao dizi Zhang Jincheng shaozao da huaping yi shuang sheru Juelinyuan da fatang fo qian yongchong gongyang qifu bao’an jiamen jiqing zhe Taiding sinian dingmao sui zhongqiu jiri jin ti ‘Zhang Jincheng of the village of Wan’an by Liuhua hill at Jianchuan in Guacang, a humble believer in the Precious Trinity (ie Buddhism) has fired a pair of large flower vases to be placed for ever before the Buddha in the Great Hall of Ritual at Juelin Temple, with a prayer that the blessings of peace, happiness and prosperity may attend his family. Respectfully inscribed on an auspicious day in the second month of autumn of the dingmao year in the Taiding period’ [AD 1327]). Hobson records that Jianchuan is an old name for Longquan where this vase was made. Guacang is close to Lishui in Zhejiang province.Stoneware, porcelain-type, incised, carved and with celadon glaze Longquan ware龍泉窯Longquan region, Zhejiang province 浙江省, 龍泉地區Yuan dynasty, dated around AD1327 PDF 237青釉紀年大供瓶此瓶器形高大,卵形器身及頸部均飾刻花纏枝牡丹或山茶花紋。器身與器底分制,以釉粘結,圈足露胎無釉,這是非常典型的元代製作方法。近內口沿處刻有61字祭文:“栝倉剱川流山萬安社居奉三寳弟子張進成燒造大花瓶壹雙,捨入覺林院大法堂佛前永充供養,祈福保安家門吉慶者,泰定四年丁卯嵗仲秋吉日謹題。”意為:栝倉剱川流山萬安社的佛教信徒張進成,向覺林寺進獻一對大花瓶,供奉在佛前,以求家宅平安、闔家幸福。敬呈於泰定四年(1327年)仲秋月吉日。霍布森認為劍川是龍泉的古稱,也是花瓶的產地。而栝倉離今浙江省麗水相距不遠。炻器,属廣義瓷器,刻劃花,青釉龍泉窯浙江省龍泉地區元代,紀年為1327年
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