Period:Yuan dynasty Production date:14thC
Technique:moulded, glazed, biscuit-fired,
Dimensions:Height: 243 millimetres
Longquan porcelain meiping vase of octagonal form. The vase has grey green glaze. There are three moulded panels on each of the eight facets, with chrysanthemum sprays on the upper and lower panels. The centre panels are unglazed and biscuit fired, and show alternately Daoist immortals and chrysanthemum sprays.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.203-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00536453_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text: PDF 203Octagonal vase with immortals and flowersPotters decorated each of the eight sides with three impressed, lobed, panels with the design standing out in relief. The panels around the centre were painted with a wax or grease resist before glazing, to ensure they fired in the biscuit, creating a contrasting colour. These biscuit panels depict two of the Eight Immortals surrounded by clouds. They are repeated twice and alternate with flower panels. The Eight Immortals are a combination of male and female historical and legendary figures, each identified by different costume and attributes. For example Zhong Liquan 鐘離權 is recognised by his top knots and fan, and Li Tieguai 李鐵拐 has a ‘grotesque’ face, walks with a crutch and carries a gourd. Stoneware, porcelain-type, with impressed and partly biscuit-fired decoration with celadon glazeLongquan ware龍泉窯Longquan region, Zhejiang province 浙江省,龍泉地區Yuan dynasty, about AD 1300–1368 PDF203青釉八仙花卉紋八棱瓶器身分八棱,陶工們在每一面飾三個印花凸雕開光,而中間位置的開光在上釉前會塗抹蠟或油脂,以確保素燒,形成鮮明對比的色彩效果。素燒開光處其中四個重複飾有八仙中的兩位仙人圖案,以祥雲環繞,間隔以花卉紋開光。八仙是神話及歷史傳說中的男女形象的集合體,每一位都穿著不同服飾,拿著不同的寶物。如鐘離權頭紮丫髻、手持蒲扇,而李鐵拐面容奇特,拄拐,手持葫蘆。炻器,属廣義瓷器,印花有部分露胎素燒,青釉龍泉窯浙江省龍泉地區元代,約1300-1368年
Technique:moulded, glazed, biscuit-fired,
Dimensions:Height: 243 millimetres
Longquan porcelain meiping vase of octagonal form. The vase has grey green glaze. There are three moulded panels on each of the eight facets, with chrysanthemum sprays on the upper and lower panels. The centre panels are unglazed and biscuit fired, and show alternately Daoist immortals and chrysanthemum sprays.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.203-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00536453_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text: PDF 203Octagonal vase with immortals and flowersPotters decorated each of the eight sides with three impressed, lobed, panels with the design standing out in relief. The panels around the centre were painted with a wax or grease resist before glazing, to ensure they fired in the biscuit, creating a contrasting colour. These biscuit panels depict two of the Eight Immortals surrounded by clouds. They are repeated twice and alternate with flower panels. The Eight Immortals are a combination of male and female historical and legendary figures, each identified by different costume and attributes. For example Zhong Liquan 鐘離權 is recognised by his top knots and fan, and Li Tieguai 李鐵拐 has a ‘grotesque’ face, walks with a crutch and carries a gourd. Stoneware, porcelain-type, with impressed and partly biscuit-fired decoration with celadon glazeLongquan ware龍泉窯Longquan region, Zhejiang province 浙江省,龍泉地區Yuan dynasty, about AD 1300–1368 PDF203青釉八仙花卉紋八棱瓶器身分八棱,陶工們在每一面飾三個印花凸雕開光,而中間位置的開光在上釉前會塗抹蠟或油脂,以確保素燒,形成鮮明對比的色彩效果。素燒開光處其中四個重複飾有八仙中的兩位仙人圖案,以祥雲環繞,間隔以花卉紋開光。八仙是神話及歷史傳說中的男女形象的集合體,每一位都穿著不同服飾,拿著不同的寶物。如鐘離權頭紮丫髻、手持蒲扇,而李鐵拐面容奇特,拄拐,手持葫蘆。炻器,属廣義瓷器,印花有部分露胎素燒,青釉龍泉窯浙江省龍泉地區元代,約1300-1368年
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