Square ding cauldron with Ya Chou emblem, late Shang to early Western Zhou period, c. 12th-10th century BCE

Square ding camera with Ya Chou em, late Shang to early Western Zhou period, c. 12th to 10th century BCE

  • Image Number:K1A002344N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty:Shang dynamics
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Food utensils, Ritual vessel
  • Material:mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:
    square body, flat folding edge, vertical ear, flat bottom, column foot. The body has eight leaf edges, the belly is decorated with Kui phoenix patterns and animal face patterns, and the column foot is decorated with deformed cicada patterns. This kind of square tripod was popular from the late Shang Dynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty, which is similar to the square tripod unearthed in Changqing Village, Jintai District, Baoji, Xixia. The inscription was cast on the inner bottom of the vessel. There are many bronzes with inscriptions of the Yachou clan. The Yachou bronzes were unearthed many times in the tombs of the late Shang Dynasty in Subutun, Qingzhou, Shandong Province

商後期至西周早期 亞醜方鼎
图片[2]-Square ding cauldron with Ya Chou emblem, late Shang to early Western Zhou period, c. 12th-10th century BCE-China Archive
图片[3]-Square ding cauldron with Ya Chou emblem, late Shang to early Western Zhou period, c. 12th-10th century BCE-China Archive
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