Thousand-character Essay

Thousand-character Essay

  • Image Number: K2B000615N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 趙孟頫
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Description:
    Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), a native of Huzhou (now Wuxing, Zhejiang), has the name Ziang and the name Songxue Taoist. Descendants of the royal family of the Song Dynasty, who became an official in the Yuan Dynasty, received the imperial edict. He was a beginner of Song Gaozong’s calligraphy. After he was middle-aged, Zhong You, a small regular script writer, and Er Wang, Li Yong, a herbalist, wrote beautifully. His book directly followed the two kings, and won the charm of Jin people. He was the leader of the Yuan Dynasty. Although this work has the characteristics of Zhao Mengfu’s calligraphy, the writer can only look like him. No matter how neat the brush is, or how delicate or high-quality the lines are, they are not as good as Zhao Mengfu’s, so they are not written by him.

元趙孟頫書千文 冊 01

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