Wheeled-goat zun vessel with gold and silver inlay, Yuan to Ming dynasty, 13th-17th century

Wheeled-goat zun vessel with gold and silver inlay, Yuan to Ming dynasty, 13th-17th century

  • Image Number: C1A000560N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Furnisher
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    This work was recorded on the twenty ninth page of the fifth page of the volume of Ning Shou Jian Gu, and was written as “Han Sacrifice Respects Two”. It was originally stored in Rehe Palace. The shape of this utensil is very special. It is made of a double horn sheep shape, and a four wheel pedestal is cast below it. The surface is decorated with fine inlaid silver, partially inlaid gold, and distributed with green and ochre red rust. From the point where the silver is dislocated, the silver part is very shallow. The animal shape and ornamentation of this artifact may be from the Shang Dynasty bronze, but the four wheels attached below are the imagination and creation of the late period.

元至明 錯金銀帶輪羊尊
图片[2]-Wheeled-goat zun vessel with gold and silver inlay, Yuan to Ming dynasty, 13th-17th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Wheeled-goat zun vessel with gold and silver inlay, Yuan to Ming dynasty, 13th-17th century-China Archive
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