Period:Tang dynasty Production date:9thC-10thC
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Technique:woven, clamp resist-dyed, 織造 (Chinese), 夾纈 (Chinese),
Dimensions:Length: 32 centimetres Width: 18 centimetres
One banner heading MAS.880.b and one fragment of clamp resist dyed silk textile MAS.880.a. This banner is identical to the banner with clamp-resist dyed large lozenge pattern consisting of small connected floral motifs in the V&A (LOAN:STEIN.556:1-3). Both have the identical inscription tuan wei hua on the border of the head and their body panels are made from the same clamp-resist dyed pattern, indicating that they may have come from the same workshop. The body panel of weft-patterned damask on plain weave shows a tiny diamond pattern repeating 0.8 cm in the warp direction and 0.3 cm in the weft direction. The pattern was made through clamp-resist dyeing, with a design of lozenge grid formed by orange floral scrolls on a blue ground. The green leaves have been dyed twice, with blue and yellow. The centre of one rosette is missing, the damage caused by folding. The pattern probably has a repeat of 18 cm in both the warp and the weft directions. The lozenge grid pattern probably derived from the pattern of roundels linked in units of four which was popular from the late Tang period. A gilt silver tea basket with a similar pattern was excavated from the underground repository in Famen Temple, Shaanxi, along with a great quantity of other textiles of the Liao dynasty with a similar pattern. Weave structures: Banner panel: damask on plain weave: Warp: silk, untwisted, single, 42 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, 30 lats/cm. Weave structure: 2-4 patterning weave on 1/1 plain weave ground weave. 一件幡頭MAS.880.b和一片由夾纈製成的幡身殘片MAS.880.a.。同類的方勝朵花夾纈絹幡在V&A博物館收藏還有一件收藏(LOAN:STEIN.556:1-3),與此件基本相同,出自同一作坊或藝人,不僅其幡首斜邊上的題記“團緯花”相同,而且兩幡身上的織物與夾纈圖案也完全一致。 幡首由兩部分製成,一是由方點綺製成的斜邊,其圖案循環爲經向0.5cm和緯向0.7cm,另一是紅絹製成的三角形幡面。幡身織物爲極小的菱格紋綺,組織爲平紋地上緯浮顯花,循環爲經向0.8cm,緯向0.3cm。幡身上的主要圖案由夾纈製成,用卷草紋構成方勝骨架,再填十樣花成爲中心,藍色染地,橙色染花,葉子的綠色由藍底上染以黃色形成,其中一個十樣花的中心部分有缺失,應爲夾纈染色時折叠引起。如不考慮這部分的缺失,原來的夾纈圖案的經緯向循環均約在18cm左右。 方勝作爲圖案骨架可能源自四圓相交的簇四球路,這類圖案自晚唐起開始流行,陝西扶風法門寺出土鎏金薰爐中就有以簇四球路紋進行裝飾的實例,到遼代絲織品中則出現了大量以簇四球路或方勝爲骨架的織物圖案,因此,此幡的年代可能在晚唐到五代之際。 按照傳統,佛幡一般挂在石窟裏或懸挂於戶外的各種場合,或是爲儀仗列隊使用。在室內使用的佛幡可能被認爲更聖潔的,所以裝飾也更多一點。在室內環境下保留下來也讓它們免遭風吹日曬。那些在戶外使用的佛幡可能更主要的是儀式場合或是節日專門使用的。 組織結構: 幡身:方格紋綺 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,42根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,30根/cm;組織:1/1平紋地上2-4並絲織法顯花。
![图片[3]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_00321523_001.jpg)
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Technique:woven, clamp resist-dyed, 織造 (Chinese), 夾纈 (Chinese),
Dimensions:Length: 32 centimetres Width: 18 centimetres
One banner heading MAS.880.b and one fragment of clamp resist dyed silk textile MAS.880.a. This banner is identical to the banner with clamp-resist dyed large lozenge pattern consisting of small connected floral motifs in the V&A (LOAN:STEIN.556:1-3). Both have the identical inscription tuan wei hua on the border of the head and their body panels are made from the same clamp-resist dyed pattern, indicating that they may have come from the same workshop. The body panel of weft-patterned damask on plain weave shows a tiny diamond pattern repeating 0.8 cm in the warp direction and 0.3 cm in the weft direction. The pattern was made through clamp-resist dyeing, with a design of lozenge grid formed by orange floral scrolls on a blue ground. The green leaves have been dyed twice, with blue and yellow. The centre of one rosette is missing, the damage caused by folding. The pattern probably has a repeat of 18 cm in both the warp and the weft directions. The lozenge grid pattern probably derived from the pattern of roundels linked in units of four which was popular from the late Tang period. A gilt silver tea basket with a similar pattern was excavated from the underground repository in Famen Temple, Shaanxi, along with a great quantity of other textiles of the Liao dynasty with a similar pattern. Weave structures: Banner panel: damask on plain weave: Warp: silk, untwisted, single, 42 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, 30 lats/cm. Weave structure: 2-4 patterning weave on 1/1 plain weave ground weave. 一件幡頭MAS.880.b和一片由夾纈製成的幡身殘片MAS.880.a.。同類的方勝朵花夾纈絹幡在V&A博物館收藏還有一件收藏(LOAN:STEIN.556:1-3),與此件基本相同,出自同一作坊或藝人,不僅其幡首斜邊上的題記“團緯花”相同,而且兩幡身上的織物與夾纈圖案也完全一致。 幡首由兩部分製成,一是由方點綺製成的斜邊,其圖案循環爲經向0.5cm和緯向0.7cm,另一是紅絹製成的三角形幡面。幡身織物爲極小的菱格紋綺,組織爲平紋地上緯浮顯花,循環爲經向0.8cm,緯向0.3cm。幡身上的主要圖案由夾纈製成,用卷草紋構成方勝骨架,再填十樣花成爲中心,藍色染地,橙色染花,葉子的綠色由藍底上染以黃色形成,其中一個十樣花的中心部分有缺失,應爲夾纈染色時折叠引起。如不考慮這部分的缺失,原來的夾纈圖案的經緯向循環均約在18cm左右。 方勝作爲圖案骨架可能源自四圓相交的簇四球路,這類圖案自晚唐起開始流行,陝西扶風法門寺出土鎏金薰爐中就有以簇四球路紋進行裝飾的實例,到遼代絲織品中則出現了大量以簇四球路或方勝爲骨架的織物圖案,因此,此幡的年代可能在晚唐到五代之際。 按照傳統,佛幡一般挂在石窟裏或懸挂於戶外的各種場合,或是爲儀仗列隊使用。在室內使用的佛幡可能被認爲更聖潔的,所以裝飾也更多一點。在室內環境下保留下來也讓它們免遭風吹日曬。那些在戶外使用的佛幡可能更主要的是儀式場合或是節日專門使用的。 組織結構: 幡身:方格紋綺 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,42根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,30根/cm;組織:1/1平紋地上2-4並絲織法顯花。
![图片[1]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_00014185_003.jpg)
![图片[2]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/00154200_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.a-China Archive]( dynasty/43/mid_00321523_001.jpg)
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