textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.b

Period:Tang dynasty Production date:8thC-9thC
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Technique:clamp resist-dyed, 綺 (Chinese), damask on plain weave, twill weave, 斜紋 (Chinese), 夾纈 (Chinese),

Dimensions:Height: 20 centimetres Width: 33.50 centimetres

One banner heading MAS.880.b and one fragment of clamp resist dyed silk textile MAS.880.a. The heading consists of two sections, the top borders made of damask with diamond pattern on plain weave, repeating 0.5cm in warp and 0.7cm in weft directions, and the central triangular piece made of red plain weave. On the top border of the banner, there is an ink inscription, probably tuan wei hua, the meaning of which is not explainable. With a scroll border on one side, the banner panel uses damask on plain weave with tiny lozenge pattern which repeats 0.8cm in warp and 0.3cm in weft direction. But the major pattern was made with clamp resist dyeing technique. Blue and orange colours were dyed first for the ground and flower first, but the green colour for the leaves was achieved after painting yellow on the blue. The pattern has a lozenge grid constructed with floral scrolls and quatrefoils in the centre, one of which has a missing central part showing the textile was folded during dyeing. Ignoring the missing part, the pattern repeats approximately 18cm in both warp and weft direction. Comparably, a similar piece is in the collection at the V&A Museum (Stein Loan 556), which has a banner heading with the same inscription, and banner panel with the same clamp resist dyed pattern. Weave structures: Banner panel: damask on plain weave: Warp: silk, untwisted, single, 42 ends/cm; Weft: silk, untwisted, 30 lats/cm. Weave structure: 2-4 patterning weave on 1/1 plain weave ground weave. 一件幡頭MAS.880.b和一片由夾纈製成的幡身殘片MAS.880.a.。幡頭由兩部分製成,一是由方點綺製成的斜邊,其圖案循環爲經向0.5cm和緯向0.7cm,另一是紅絹作三角形的幡面。在幡頭斜邊上,有一墨書題記,可能爲“團緯花”三字,但其意義不明。幡身一邊有線縫卷邊,織物爲極小的菱格紋綺,組織爲平紋地上緯浮顯花,循環爲經向0.8cm,緯向0.3cm。但此幡的主要圖案由夾纈製成,藍色染地,橙色染花,染葉的綠色由藍底上的畫黃色形成,上有卷草紋構成的方勝骨架,再由十樣花填爲中心,其中一個十樣花的中心部分有缺失,應爲夾纈染色時折疊引起。如不考慮這部分的缺失,原來的夾纈圖案的經緯向循環均約在18cm左右。類似的幡在與維多利亞愛爾伯特博物館中也有收藏(Stein Loan 556),其幡頭有相同的題記,幡身的織物與夾纈圖案也完全一致。 組織結構: b1. 幡頭斜邊: 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,42根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,40根/cm;組織:1/1平紋地上4-4並絲織法顯花。 b2. 三角形幡面: 經線:絲,無撚,單根排列,40根/cm;緯線:絲,無撚,單根排列,36根/cm;組織:1/1平紋。
图片[1]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.b-China Archive 图片[2]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.b-China Archive 图片[3]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.b-China Archive 图片[4]-textile; banner; 紡織品(Chinese); 幡(Chinese) BM-MAS.880.b-China Archive

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