Peddling in Spring Scenery

Peddling in Spring Scenery

  • Image Number: K2A000363N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 196.8×104.3
  • Description:
    Since the Song Dynasty, the pictures of tradesmen have often been cited by painters as the theme of expression. This is an unknown painting. In the suburban garden in spring, peach blossoms are blooming, new willows are green, and weeds and wild flowers are clustered around the brook stone. A load of goods is parked under the willow shade, and the rack is full of birdcages. There are different bird colors in the cages, and all kinds of children play around. The two salesmen, one holding a parrot for sale, and the other woman standing in front of the pole with two children, raised their hands in delight to make a request. The characters are elegantly colored, the costumes are exquisite in detail, and the expression is lively and vivid, which shows the peaceful and leisurely life of ancient society.

元人春景貨郎圖 軸

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