Miscellaneous Calligraphy

Miscellaneous Calligraphy

  • Image Number: K2B000134N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Kangli Nao;Rao Jie;Yang Zai;Yu Ji;Yuan Jue;Zhou Ch
  • Form:
  • Description:
    Conley&# 24025; (1295-1345 AD), Kangli surname in the Western Regions, with the name Zishan. When Shun Emperor was in office, he received the imperial edict for the Imperial Academy and had the posthumous title of Wen Zhong. He is knowledgeable in all kinds of books, good at truth, practical and cursive. Calligraphy history refers to their herbalists Zhong You and Wang Xizhi. Their strokes are graceful and round. It is also said that his book comes from Wang Xianzhi and touches Mi Fu with lovely charm. This paper is written in cursive, using both the strokes of Er Wang and Mi Fu. The strokes are fluent, handsome, and the ink is fresh. The addressee is his colleague in the central court, Gouye, then the storekeeper of Jiangnan Pedestal Pavilion&# 24422; In, the book was written about 1329 years ago, which was the work of Conley in his later years.

元人雜書 卷 康里巎致彥中尺牘;楊載書水龍吟;周馳致義齋廉訪尺牘;虞集書翰;袁桷呈承旨大參相公尺牘;饒介書中峰幻住像偈
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