Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:glazed, incised,
Dimensions:Diameter: 176 millimetres Height: 114 millimetres
Porcelain stemmed bowl. Covered outside with yellow glaze and incised design of lotus sprays supporting the Eight Emblems of Buddhism. Inside bowl and stem covered in plain white high-fired glaze. Inscription inside foot.
![图片[2]-stemmed bowl BM-PDF-A.575-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00386965_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF A575 Stemmed bowl with yellow glazeThis stemmed bowl is incised with a design of lotus sprays supporting the 八吉祥 (ba ji xiang ‘Eight Buddhist Emblems’). These designs derived from Tibetan Buddhism are the wheel, conch, canopy, umbrella, lotus, vase, fish and the knot. The stemmed bowl is covered outside with a transparent glaze and with a monochrome buttercup-yellow glaze, pigmented with iron-oxide and fired at a low temperature. The base carries a Yongzheng mark.Porcelain incised and with yellow iron-pigmented glaze, and gildingJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF A575黃釉高足碗此高足碗碗身劃花折枝蓮托八吉祥紋飾。八吉祥紋飾源于藏傳佛教,包括輪、螺、傘、蓋、花、罐、魚、腸(盤長)八種。高足碗外壁施有透明釉高溫燒過,再罩施以鐵為著色劑的金鳳花色單色黃釉,二次入窯低溫燒結黃釉。外底署雍正年款。 瓷器,劃花,鐵為著色劑的黃釉,金彩江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
Technique:glazed, incised,
Dimensions:Diameter: 176 millimetres Height: 114 millimetres
Porcelain stemmed bowl. Covered outside with yellow glaze and incised design of lotus sprays supporting the Eight Emblems of Buddhism. Inside bowl and stem covered in plain white high-fired glaze. Inscription inside foot.
![图片[1]-stemmed bowl BM-PDF-A.575-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00386963_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-stemmed bowl BM-PDF-A.575-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00386965_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF A575 Stemmed bowl with yellow glazeThis stemmed bowl is incised with a design of lotus sprays supporting the 八吉祥 (ba ji xiang ‘Eight Buddhist Emblems’). These designs derived from Tibetan Buddhism are the wheel, conch, canopy, umbrella, lotus, vase, fish and the knot. The stemmed bowl is covered outside with a transparent glaze and with a monochrome buttercup-yellow glaze, pigmented with iron-oxide and fired at a low temperature. The base carries a Yongzheng mark.Porcelain incised and with yellow iron-pigmented glaze, and gildingJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF A575黃釉高足碗此高足碗碗身劃花折枝蓮托八吉祥紋飾。八吉祥紋飾源于藏傳佛教,包括輪、螺、傘、蓋、花、罐、魚、腸(盤長)八種。高足碗外壁施有透明釉高溫燒過,再罩施以鐵為著色劑的金鳳花色單色黃釉,二次入窯低溫燒結黃釉。外底署雍正年款。 瓷器,劃花,鐵為著色劑的黃釉,金彩江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
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