Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1426-1435
Dimensions:Diameter: 98 millimetres Height: 103 millimetres
Stemmed porcelain bowl with rounded body. Form based on ancient bronze dou. Underglaze blue with wide band of scrolling day lilies above petals rising from the base. Lotus roundel in a double circle inside. Horizontal inscription below external mouth rim.
![图片[1]-stemmed bowl BM-PDF-A.636-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387139_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Xuande 1426-1435 Room 95 label text:PDF A636Stemmed bowl with carnation scrollThis thickly-potted, globular, 豆 (dou ‘stemmed bowl’) is decorated with a continuous scroll of carnations with distinctive star-like flowers. Originally it would have had a domed cover with a bud-shaped finial. Archaeologists excavated identical stemmed bowls in the Xuande strata at Zhushan in Jingdezhen. Although in the previous Yongle period (AD 1403–24) a four-character reign mark was sometimes used, the development of what became the standardised six-character reign mark began in the Xuande era as the result of direct official supervision and control of the imperial kilns by the court. Horizontal marks are read from right to left with the name of the dynasty, emperor’s reign name and the characters for ‘made in the years of’. Vertical marks are generally read from top to bottom and right to leftPorcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Xuande mark and period, AD 1426–35 PDF A636纏枝石竹紋豆這件瓷豆(帶高足的碗)胎體厚重,球形腹,裝飾以連續的纏枝香石竹紋,花形似星獨特。起初應該有拱形蓋,蓋紐為花蕾形。考古學家們在景德鎮珠山曾發掘出土相同的高足豆。盡管之前的永樂時期(1403–1424年)有時使用四字年號款,宣德時期才有標準六字年號款的發展,這是宮廷對御窯直接官方監督與控製的結果。橫寫的年號款從右往左讀,分別為朝代、帝王年號以及“年製”。豎寫的年號款一般從上向下從右往左讀。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,宣德,宣德款,1426-1435年
Dimensions:Diameter: 98 millimetres Height: 103 millimetres
Stemmed porcelain bowl with rounded body. Form based on ancient bronze dou. Underglaze blue with wide band of scrolling day lilies above petals rising from the base. Lotus roundel in a double circle inside. Horizontal inscription below external mouth rim.
![图片[1]-stemmed bowl BM-PDF-A.636-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387139_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Xuande 1426-1435 Room 95 label text:PDF A636Stemmed bowl with carnation scrollThis thickly-potted, globular, 豆 (dou ‘stemmed bowl’) is decorated with a continuous scroll of carnations with distinctive star-like flowers. Originally it would have had a domed cover with a bud-shaped finial. Archaeologists excavated identical stemmed bowls in the Xuande strata at Zhushan in Jingdezhen. Although in the previous Yongle period (AD 1403–24) a four-character reign mark was sometimes used, the development of what became the standardised six-character reign mark began in the Xuande era as the result of direct official supervision and control of the imperial kilns by the court. Horizontal marks are read from right to left with the name of the dynasty, emperor’s reign name and the characters for ‘made in the years of’. Vertical marks are generally read from top to bottom and right to leftPorcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Xuande mark and period, AD 1426–35 PDF A636纏枝石竹紋豆這件瓷豆(帶高足的碗)胎體厚重,球形腹,裝飾以連續的纏枝香石竹紋,花形似星獨特。起初應該有拱形蓋,蓋紐為花蕾形。考古學家們在景德鎮珠山曾發掘出土相同的高足豆。盡管之前的永樂時期(1403–1424年)有時使用四字年號款,宣德時期才有標準六字年號款的發展,這是宮廷對御窯直接官方監督與控製的結果。橫寫的年號款從右往左讀,分別為朝代、帝王年號以及“年製”。豎寫的年號款一般從上向下從右往左讀。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,宣德,宣德款,1426-1435年
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