Period:Eastern Han dynasty Production date:1stC-2ndC
Materials:hemp, 麻 (Chinese),
Technique:twined (woven)
Dimensions:Height: 7.80 centimetres Length: 28 centimetres Width: 10.60 centimetres
A shoe made of hemp with 1/1 weft twining method. It has a round front end, 2cm high, and low side, 7.8cm at the back. Two hemp threads, S twisted, probably used as shoelaces, are stitched to the shoe sides separately. The sole is twined with hemp threads. The instep, also twined with hemp threads, has separated partly from the sole. A hemp fabric, 15.5×5.5cm, whose function is unclear, is kept in the shoe. Weave structures: Warp: hemp, invisible; Twining weft: hemp, Z twisted, undyed, 14 lats/cm. Weave structure: 1/1 weft twining method. 麻鞋,以1/1緯絞編組織編織而成,圓頭,平口,鞋臉較長,約爲8.2cm,鞋頭處高2cm,鞋後幫處高7.8cm,兩側鞋幫各打有一洞,穿一S撚的麻繩,原可能用作系帶系縛於腳踝處,鞋底亦以麻線編織而成,已部分與鞋面脫離。此外,另附有一塊15.5×5.5的麻編制物,原用途不明。 組織結構: 經線:麻,不可見;絞編緯線:麻,Z撚,本色,14根/cm。組織:1/1緯絞編組織。
Materials:hemp, 麻 (Chinese),
Technique:twined (woven)
Dimensions:Height: 7.80 centimetres Length: 28 centimetres Width: 10.60 centimetres
A shoe made of hemp with 1/1 weft twining method. It has a round front end, 2cm high, and low side, 7.8cm at the back. Two hemp threads, S twisted, probably used as shoelaces, are stitched to the shoe sides separately. The sole is twined with hemp threads. The instep, also twined with hemp threads, has separated partly from the sole. A hemp fabric, 15.5×5.5cm, whose function is unclear, is kept in the shoe. Weave structures: Warp: hemp, invisible; Twining weft: hemp, Z twisted, undyed, 14 lats/cm. Weave structure: 1/1 weft twining method. 麻鞋,以1/1緯絞編組織編織而成,圓頭,平口,鞋臉較長,約爲8.2cm,鞋頭處高2cm,鞋後幫處高7.8cm,兩側鞋幫各打有一洞,穿一S撚的麻繩,原可能用作系帶系縛於腳踝處,鞋底亦以麻線編織而成,已部分與鞋面脫離。此外,另附有一塊15.5×5.5的麻編制物,原用途不明。 組織結構: 經線:麻,不可見;絞編緯線:麻,Z撚,本色,14根/cm。組織:1/1緯絞編組織。
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