print BM-1932-0715.49

Period:Unknown Production date:1770
Technique:etching, engraving,
Subjects:battle tent/encampment prisoner
Dimensions:Height: 573 millimetres (image) Width: 925 millimetres (image)

Plate 3 from a set of sixteen plates; the Qing general Zhaohui surprises Daši-Cärän at Oroï-Jalatu in 1756; in the foreground, Qing troops attack the enemy, some half-clothed, others still in their tents or yurts; in the middle ground Qing soldiers take prisoners and livestock; further away to left an encampment has been penetrated by Qing soldiers, some with torches, and to right, Qing cavalry gallop towards another cluster of tents and yurts; mountainous landscape in the distance. 1770 Etching and engraving
图片[1]-print BM-1932-0715.49-China Archive 图片[2]-print BM-1932-0715.49-China Archive

Comments:Plate 3 is often titled in modern literature: 鄂壘扎拉圖之戰 [Eleizhalatu zhi zhan]; The Battle of Oroï-Jalatu; Le combat d’Oroï-Jalatu. None of the plates in the original edition was ever lettered with a title.The print shows a surprise attack in 1756 led by a Qing general against Zunghar Mongols.According to Pirazzoli-T’Serstevens (1969), it is after a drawing by Giuseppe Castiglione.This print is from an incomplete BM set (fifteen only, 1932,0715.46 to 59, including 48*) of the sixteen plates known as ‘Victoires et Conquêtes de l’Empereur de la Chine’ commemorating the Qianlong Emperor’s victories in Central Asia from 1755 to1759. For a complete set see 1848,0205, 517 to 532. For another state of this plate, with production details, see 1848,0205.521.For further information, see the Curator’s Comment for 1932,0715.57.
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