Green glazed kuei-shaped incense burner with copper red splashes, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

Green glazed kuei-shaped incense burner with copper red splashes, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

  • Image Number: K1B012835N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Archival dimension: 高8.6公分 口徑12公分
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    It is shaped like a bronze Gui. Its belly is decorated with two dragon fish shaped ears and a string pattern. The fetal bone is thick, thin on the top and thick on the bottom. It is covered with green glaze, and there are copper red spots hanging on the waist of the outer wall. Copper erythema is bright red, and there are a few erythema on the inner wall. Glaze is transparent and has many tiny bubbles. There is a gap along the mouth. There is a jade top wood cover. The jade top is a lotus pond heron carved with grey jade.

元 青瓷銅紅斑簋式爐

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