Bowl with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 13th century

Bowl with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 13th century

  • Image Number: K1B005164N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Southern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The flower mouth is divided into six petals, with copper edge inlaid along the mouth, arc-shaped deep wall, and short circle foot. The fetal bone is thin, and it is fired by cushion firing method. Green glaze is applied inside and outside, which is light green. The glaze layer is thin and even, and there are some flowing glaze marks under the mouth. The color inside and outside is consistent, and the glaze surface does not have open pieces. The feet are decorated smoothly, but the glaze is uneven. The landing place is smeared with ochre juice, and the ground is exposed with gray white. The glaze and color can reflect the plum green glaze recorded in the literature, which can be called the masterpiece of Longquan celadon series. In addition to the hospital collections, Ningbo Museum in Zhejiang Province also has similar collections, but the most famous example is the Horse Locust Tripping Bowl in the National Museum in Tokyo, Japan. According to the record of the 18th century Japanese people in Ito Dongya, the bowl was a Buddhist temple in Yuwang Mountain, Zhejiang Province, which was held by Japanese people Pingchong in 1175 for giving gold to help,

南宋 龍泉窯 青瓷葵口碗

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