Dish with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century

Dish with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century

  • Image Number: K1B008823N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Southern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    Six sunflower shaped, wide mouth inlaid with copper clasps, the slanting wall is slightly deep, and it is horizontally folded inward to the foot to form a waist folded disc, with a slightly concave disc center and a short circle foot. The body is slightly thick, and the celadon glaze is applied. The glaze color is pink green, and the glaze surface has dark large patterns. Apply the glaze to the foot margin, and the foot margin is unglazed, revealing the burnt color. The bottom is engraved with Emperor Qianlong’s “Chanting the Sunflower Plate of the Official Kiln”: “Cultivate the internal pottery secret tools, and the official kiln is different from the external. It is hard to distinguish the Longdai from the Fenghuang Mountain. The sunflower style is not ochre at all, and the ice pattern is half dyed Yin. The Qing Yang is like taking an example, and you have already thought hard”, an imperial poem. At the end of the poem, the chronicle of the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the year of Dingyou in the Spring Festival (42nd year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong: 1777) was signed, and two seals of “Guxiang” and “Taipu” were affixed. Although the similar plain fired blanks produced at the Zhanggong Lane kiln site were dated from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the glaze color, opening and foot encirclement of this work were taken into account during the curation

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图片[2]-Dish with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Dish with hibiscus-shaped rim in celadon glaze, Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century-China Archive
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