pendant BM-2022-3034.273

Period:Warring States period Production date:5thC BC – 2ndC BC
Technique:carved, drilled,

Dimensions:Height: 5.20 centimetres Width: 1.50 centimetres

Standing woman pendant of translucent white jade with dark brown inclusions. This flattened standing figure of a woman shows well-defined facial features with folded arms and a long sleeve. The woman is shown dressed in a long checked robed decorated alternately with hooked curls and criss-cross squares.On the reverse side her long striated waist-length hair is banded together. There is a vertical perforation drilled from the top of her head through to the base.
图片[1]-pendant BM-2022-3034.273-China Archive 图片[2]-pendant BM-2022-3034.273-China Archive

Comments:Warring States/Han. See Salmony 1963 and Hayashi 1985. This very carefully worked flat carving of a standing figure is a bead, with a hole drilled through it vertically from top to bottom. The figure is probably a woman, with a large round head, eyes incised in hollows, and a notched nose and mouth forming a serious expression. Her hair is visible on the reverse, falling to the waist and banded together. She wears a neat bodice, slightly projecting beyond her shoulders. Below her folded hands is a long checkered skirt, of squares, with criss-cross pattern alternating with squares enclosing commas. Her small feet project below the skirt. As with the previous figure, the fashions and fabrics of the day are vividly depicted. This jade is a larger and more fully worked example of the type of small jade pendant illustrated in the following entry, of which there are parallels in the Zhongshan state tombs in Hebei province. The checkered skirt is shared by some of these figures, but not by a related example in the British Museum. Predecessors of these beads are rare and depict ions of human figures are unusual within the wider context of monsters, dragons and abstract designs that are the principle types of jade decoration. See Rawson 1995, pp.282-283,
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