Jade doe and fawns, Southern Song to Yuan dynasties, 1127-1368 C.E.

Jade doe and fawns, Southern Song to Yuan dynasties, 1127-1368 C.E.

  • Image Number: K1C006225N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Southern Song dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Stationery
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    This device is carved from topaz seed with brown jade skin. A pair of female deer stand on the lotus flower, and the female deer holds the trumpet flower in her mouth. The young deer puts its forelimbs on the female deer, which is very dependent. A wooden base is attached, and a flat long lotus is carved at the bottom of the container. The face is concave to insert jade ornaments. In Indian Buddhist legend, there was a deer mother who gave birth to 500 boys from lotus flowers for the king, all of whom were handsome and strong men. With the spread of Buddhism to the east, a large number of jade articles with the theme of lotus flowers, female deer or children appeared in central China, implying that “Lian (lotus) will have a son”.

南宋-元代  黃玉子母鹿

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