Bowl with lotus-petal pattern in celadon glaze, Southern Song dynasty, Longquan ware, 13th century

Bowl with lotus-petal pattern in celadon glaze, Southern Song dynasty, Longquan ware, 13th century

  • Image Number: C1B005052N000000000AA
  • Dynasty: Southern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The oblique arc wall is deep in the abdomen, and the mouth edge is inlaid with a circle of copper buttons. The foot is short and the bottom edge of the foot is not smooth. The whole cover is coated with pink green glaze, the glaze is bright and transparent, and the color is just like jade. The inner part of the circle foot is full of glaze, and the exposed sole of the foot is coated with a layer of orange brown fetal protection juice. The lotus petal pattern decorated on the outer wall is cut by manual double oblique knives, so the ridge of the petal is slightly raised. Under the cover of the powder green glaze layer, the ridge in the middle is slightly white, forming a deep and shallow change with the darker leaves on both sides. Lotus petal pattern is a common decorative pattern on porcelain. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, lotus petal patterns, whether carved by grate or in light relief, have appeared on celadon, white porcelain and celadon porcelain. Since the Southern Song Dynasty, the Longquan Kiln has produced a large number of lotus petal bowls, which vary in size and shape. Works similar to this celadon covered bowl were created at the kiln site of Zhejiang Dayao and the Southern Song Dynasty

南宋 龍泉窯 青瓷蓮瓣碗十三世紀

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