Bowl with leaf pattern on a black ground, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th -13th century

Bowl with leaf pattern on a black ground, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th -13th century

  • Image Number: K1B013049N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Southern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Food utensil
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    After the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the scholars who paid attention to the art of tea drinking loved to use black tea bowls to set off white tea soup. At that time, the production of black tea bowls was expanded from Fujian Jianyao to the large kilns in the north and south, with different characteristics. The wall of the bowl is open at an angle and presents a bamboo hat style. After being glazed, the foot shape is carved with a knife. The foot is small, the bottom is shallow and concave, and the bottom center is convex. The color of the tire is off white, and obvious wheel making marks can be seen under the black glaze of the outer wall. The black glaze is decorated with a large yellow wood leaf pattern. The craftsman first applied light yellow glaze on the utensil, then pasted the treated wood leaves, and then applied a layer of black glaze rich in iron, which was fired in the kiln; There is another interesting poetic flavor in the realism. According to the ancient firing experiment of Jizhou kiln, because mulberry leaves are rich in zinc, iron, copper, manganese, calcium and other trace elements, it seems that only mulberry leaves can burn wood leaf calices. This is the unique style of Jiangxi Jizhou Kiln; This kiln is popular in

南宋 吉州窯 黑釉木葉紋茶盞
图片[2]-Bowl with leaf pattern on a black ground, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th -13th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Bowl with leaf pattern on a black ground, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th -13th century-China Archive
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