Single-handled cup with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, 12th – 13th century

Single-handled cup with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, 12th – 13th century

  • Image Number: K1B013960N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Jin dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    A wide mouth, six petal sunflower bowl with shallow wall and flat bottom; The right edge of the mouth is folded flat to form a three petal wide plate edge, under which there is a thin round semi annular handle. The whole body has a slightly grayish azure glaze color. There are many manes and eyes between the glazes. There are thin lines of earthworms walking through the mud between the glaze color flows; The flowing glaze makes the edges of the sunflower petal appear light yellow and quiet in the gray blue glaze. There are three nails at the bottom, which is similar to the firing habit of Ru kiln with azure glaze; The glaze of this monochrome opaque Jun kiln series was found in Linru. Where its kiln is not far away from the nearby Baofeng kiln where Ru porcelain was fired, the relationship between Jun and Ru is intriguing. This kind of single cup, which is called “Qu Zhi”, was used in official state banquets in the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties, and was also found in the tombs of high-ranking officials in the Jin Dynasty; There is a difference between the width and the width of the plate edge: Yaozhou Kiln, Guan Kiln, Longquan Kiln

金 鈞窯 青瓷葵花式單把杯

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