Gall-shaped vase with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, Jin dynasty, 12th century

Gall-shaped vase with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, Jin dynasty, 12th century

  • Image Number: K1B013954N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Jin dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    This work has a slightly open mouth, a copper clasp along the mouth, a slender neck, a gall shaped belly, and a pendulous abdomen. The whole body is covered with azure glaze, the glaze is bright and translucent, and the glaze surface has transparent fine lines. When the glaze is applied to the foot margin, the outer wall of the foot and the unglazed part of the foot margin are all coated with ochre body protecting glaze, and the outer bottom is partially scratched. The long necked bottle was one of the bottle styles that were popular in northern kilns of the Song Dynasty. Similar shapes appeared in Ding and Yaozhou kilns; According to the field archaeology, the Song Dynasty hoard in Huachi County, Gansu Province and Huairou County, Beijing also unearthed. The moon white bile bottle collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing and the azure purple bile bottle of the David Foundation in the UK are the same style as those unearthed in Huachi County, Gansu Province and Huairou County, Beijing. The Tianqing bile bottle in the courtyard is similar to those unearthed in Hebiji, Henan, but slightly different from those unearthed in Huairou County, Beijing or Huachi County, Gansu. But from the neck of the azure bile bottle

金 鈞窯 天青膽瓶
图片[2]-Gall-shaped vase with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, Jin dynasty, 12th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Gall-shaped vase with sky blue glaze, Jun ware, Jin dynasty, 12th century-China Archive
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