Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1662-1700
Dimensions:Diameter: 152 millimetres Height: 34 millimetres
Circular covered porcelain ink-stone. Underglaze blue with diaper bands around sides, and large roundel on top with a scholar holding a cassia branch and standing on a carp transforming itself into a dragon in turbulent waves. There is an inscription on the base.
![图片[1]-ink-stone; cover BM-PDF-A.609-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387099_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Kangxi late 17th century Room 95 label text:PDF A609Circular ink stone and cover with a scholar holding a cassia branchThe cover of the ink stone is painted with a moonlit scene. A scholar, holding a cassia branch, is shown standing on a carp, which is turning into a dragon, in waves. This is read as an emblem of good wishes for scholastic success. In traditional China, for the educated classes, social advancement was dependent on achievements within the civil service. Passing the imperial examinations could lead to a secure job within China’s extensive bureaucracy and in turn bring the scholar material rewards for himself and his family. The base has an apocryphal six-character underglaze blue Xuande reign markPorcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decoration Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, AD 1662–1722 PDF A609文人折桂圖帶蓋圓硯硯蓋繪蟾宮折桂主題。月光下波濤中一鯉魚化龍,其上立一文人手持桂枝,象征科舉及第。中國傳統中,受教育的階層在社會中的進升,要靠科舉考試的成功。在皇家考試中中舉,就可在中國龐大的官僚體系中謀得一份穩當的官職,并為文人及其家庭帶來物質回報。外底署青花六字宣德寄託年款。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,康熙,1662–1722年
Dimensions:Diameter: 152 millimetres Height: 34 millimetres
Circular covered porcelain ink-stone. Underglaze blue with diaper bands around sides, and large roundel on top with a scholar holding a cassia branch and standing on a carp transforming itself into a dragon in turbulent waves. There is an inscription on the base.
![图片[1]-ink-stone; cover BM-PDF-A.609-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00387099_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Kangxi late 17th century Room 95 label text:PDF A609Circular ink stone and cover with a scholar holding a cassia branchThe cover of the ink stone is painted with a moonlit scene. A scholar, holding a cassia branch, is shown standing on a carp, which is turning into a dragon, in waves. This is read as an emblem of good wishes for scholastic success. In traditional China, for the educated classes, social advancement was dependent on achievements within the civil service. Passing the imperial examinations could lead to a secure job within China’s extensive bureaucracy and in turn bring the scholar material rewards for himself and his family. The base has an apocryphal six-character underglaze blue Xuande reign markPorcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decoration Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, AD 1662–1722 PDF A609文人折桂圖帶蓋圓硯硯蓋繪蟾宮折桂主題。月光下波濤中一鯉魚化龍,其上立一文人手持桂枝,象征科舉及第。中國傳統中,受教育的階層在社會中的進升,要靠科舉考試的成功。在皇家考試中中舉,就可在中國龐大的官僚體系中謀得一份穩當的官職,并為文人及其家庭帶來物質回報。外底署青花六字宣德寄託年款。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,康熙,1662–1722年
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