Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1671
Dimensions:Diameter: 197 millimetres Height: 30 millimetres
Circular porcelain ink-slab with a disc in the centre surrounded by a grooved border, and a recessed circular area on base. The ink-slab has an unglazed disc in the centre. There are separated flower sprays on the border on the upper side, and separated prunus and chrysanthemum sprays on the underside around the flattened ring. There is an inscription in the centre of the base.
![图片[2]-ink-stone BM-PDF.661-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00382240_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Kangxi AD1671 Room 95 label text:PDF 661Ink stone with inscriptionThe forty-eight character inscription in underglaze blue on the base has been translated: ‘I take home a stone, but it is like I have the entire ocean tucked into my sleeve; It has served me as an ink stone for a thousand years; Transformed in the potter’s kiln, it is round and bright like the moon, In it I put my ink and drive my brush, the task is effortless and the accomplishment doubled; having made this literary encounter I achieve great ease. Autumn of the xinhai year [AD 1671], inscribed by the jushi [scholar] Yi’an.’ Yi’an was the alias of Xiang Wenhuan. Porcelain decorated in underglaze cobalt blueJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, dated equivalent to AD 1671 PDF 661銘文硯器底署青花銘文,計四十八字,翻譯為英文的意思是:“我把一塊石頭帶回家,但卻仿佛將整片海洋捲入衣袖中;作為硯臺它已供我使用了一千年;經過窯火燒制,它變得又圓又亮,正如滿月一般;我在硯中浸入墨汁、揮筆寫就,工作毫不費力且事半功倍;完成了這篇文章,我感到極為輕鬆自在。辛亥年秋天(1671年),亦庵居士銘文。”亦庵為向文煥(音)的字。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,紀年為1671年
Dimensions:Diameter: 197 millimetres Height: 30 millimetres
Circular porcelain ink-slab with a disc in the centre surrounded by a grooved border, and a recessed circular area on base. The ink-slab has an unglazed disc in the centre. There are separated flower sprays on the border on the upper side, and separated prunus and chrysanthemum sprays on the underside around the flattened ring. There is an inscription in the centre of the base.
![图片[1]-ink-stone BM-PDF.661-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00382239_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-ink-stone BM-PDF.661-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00382240_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Kangxi AD1671 Room 95 label text:PDF 661Ink stone with inscriptionThe forty-eight character inscription in underglaze blue on the base has been translated: ‘I take home a stone, but it is like I have the entire ocean tucked into my sleeve; It has served me as an ink stone for a thousand years; Transformed in the potter’s kiln, it is round and bright like the moon, In it I put my ink and drive my brush, the task is effortless and the accomplishment doubled; having made this literary encounter I achieve great ease. Autumn of the xinhai year [AD 1671], inscribed by the jushi [scholar] Yi’an.’ Yi’an was the alias of Xiang Wenhuan. Porcelain decorated in underglaze cobalt blueJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, dated equivalent to AD 1671 PDF 661銘文硯器底署青花銘文,計四十八字,翻譯為英文的意思是:“我把一塊石頭帶回家,但卻仿佛將整片海洋捲入衣袖中;作為硯臺它已供我使用了一千年;經過窯火燒制,它變得又圓又亮,正如滿月一般;我在硯中浸入墨汁、揮筆寫就,工作毫不費力且事半功倍;完成了這篇文章,我感到極為輕鬆自在。辛亥年秋天(1671年),亦庵居士銘文。”亦庵為向文煥(音)的字。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮清代,紀年為1671年
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