Period:Qing dynasty Production date:17thC-18thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 124 millimetres Height: 63 millimetres
Porcelain incense burner with cylindrical body and three feet. The incense burner has cream glaze. There are Eight Trigrams around the upper half of the exterior, with archaistic dragons on a background of spirals on the lower half.
![图片[5]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00846066_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 112Incense burner with the Eight TrigramsThis incense burner has a cylindrical body and stands on three feet. It is decorated with the Eight Trigrams around the upper half of the body, with archaistic dragons on a background of spirals below. The Eight Trigrams are arguably the most familiar symbols associated with Daoism. Trigrams, which are made up of combinations of three broken and unbroken parallel lines are the basis for the sixty-four hexagrams of the 易經 (Yijing ‘Book of Changes’). The Eight Trigrams can be doubled up to create sixty-four hexagrams which are interpreted to make sense of the world, its history and its future. Unbroken lines are considered to represent the masculine element yang and broken lines represent the female yin element. Underfired porcelain with incised and moulded decoration and a transparent glaze Zhangzhou ware 漳州窯Zhangzhou, Fujian province 福建省, 漳州Qing dynasty, AD 1662–1722 PDF 112白釉八卦紋香爐此香爐器身呈圓筒形,以三足承托。器身上部以模印八卦紋環繞一周,下飾劃花仿古龍紋。八卦或許是道教最為人熟知的符號。卦象以三條或連或斷的平行線組成,《易經》中的六十四卦象也是以此發展而來。卦象能夠解讀古代對世界過去、現在以及未來的理解。連續不斷的線條象徵男性,即“陽”,而斷線象徵女性,即“陰”。生燒瓷器,劃花及模印花,透明釉漳州窯福建省漳州清代,1662-1722年
Dimensions:Diameter: 124 millimetres Height: 63 millimetres
Porcelain incense burner with cylindrical body and three feet. The incense burner has cream glaze. There are Eight Trigrams around the upper half of the exterior, with archaistic dragons on a background of spirals on the lower half.
![图片[1]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00365660_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00365661_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00365865_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00365867_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-incense-burner BM-PDF.112-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00846066_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 112Incense burner with the Eight TrigramsThis incense burner has a cylindrical body and stands on three feet. It is decorated with the Eight Trigrams around the upper half of the body, with archaistic dragons on a background of spirals below. The Eight Trigrams are arguably the most familiar symbols associated with Daoism. Trigrams, which are made up of combinations of three broken and unbroken parallel lines are the basis for the sixty-four hexagrams of the 易經 (Yijing ‘Book of Changes’). The Eight Trigrams can be doubled up to create sixty-four hexagrams which are interpreted to make sense of the world, its history and its future. Unbroken lines are considered to represent the masculine element yang and broken lines represent the female yin element. Underfired porcelain with incised and moulded decoration and a transparent glaze Zhangzhou ware 漳州窯Zhangzhou, Fujian province 福建省, 漳州Qing dynasty, AD 1662–1722 PDF 112白釉八卦紋香爐此香爐器身呈圓筒形,以三足承托。器身上部以模印八卦紋環繞一周,下飾劃花仿古龍紋。八卦或許是道教最為人熟知的符號。卦象以三條或連或斷的平行線組成,《易經》中的六十四卦象也是以此發展而來。卦象能夠解讀古代對世界過去、現在以及未來的理解。連續不斷的線條象徵男性,即“陽”,而斷線象徵女性,即“陰”。生燒瓷器,劃花及模印花,透明釉漳州窯福建省漳州清代,1662-1722年
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