Meiping vase with incised lotus decoration, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuries

Meiping vase with incised lotus decoration, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuries

  • Image Number: K1B013471N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Northern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The plum vase has a small round mouth, a short neck and shoulders, the upper part of the belly is full and the lower part is closed, the bottom is slightly stretched out, and the outer bottom is dug with a round foot. The body is decorated with the technique of carving flowers. There are two strings on the shoulder and three strings on the lower abdomen. The body is divided into three parts: the upper ellipse is arranged side by side with short lotus petals; The ventral part of the front and rear body is mainly composed of broken lotus flowers. The four lotus petals are stacked. The stripe inside the lotus petals indicates that the flowers are full, and the two sides outline simple lotus leaves as a foil; The lower part is in the shape of a slender lotus petal with double lines. The whole body is covered with white glaze. There is a “tear mark” phenomenon of accumulated glaze flowing on the surface of the body, and there is no glaze at the foot margin.

北宋 十一~十二世紀 定窯 劃花蓮荷紋梅瓶
图片[2]-Meiping vase with incised lotus decoration, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuries-China Archive
图片[3]-Meiping vase with incised lotus decoration, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuries-China Archive
图片[4]-Meiping vase with incised lotus decoration, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty, 11th-12th centuries-China Archive
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