Dish with carved lotus petals and incised chih-dragon design, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty , 11th-early 12th centuries

Dish with carved lotus petals and incised chih-dragon design, Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty , 11th-early 12th centuries

  • Image Number: K1B007718N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Northern Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    The outer wall is carved with flowers. The inner wall is carved with flowers; The mouth is slightly extravagant and inlaid with copper rib buckle. The outer wall relief convex ridge lotus petal is triple, with clear edges and layers of inverted folds; On the inner wall, the lotus and lotus patterns are gently drawn around the circle, and the center of the plate is drawn on one side, looking back at the dragon and turning anticlockwise. The courtyard has many works of this kind, which are carved on the outer wall, complicated in workmanship, and similar to the lotus petal style carved on the fixed object of the tower base (995) of the Jingzhongyuan in the early Northern Song Dynasty. The inner wall is decorated with chi patterns or lotus patterns, which are both regular and skilful. This is the mature feature of flower carving.

北宋 十一世紀 ~十二世紀初 定窯 蓮瓣劃花螭紋盤

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