flower-pot-stand BM-PDF-A.56

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1368-1435

Dimensions:Diameter: 190 millimetres Height: 70 millimetres

Jun stoneware flower-pot-stand with a band of nail-head bosses around the rim and three cloud-shaped feet. The flower-pot-stand has a pale grey body and blue glaze on the interior, reddish-purple glaze on the interior, and olive green glaze on the base. There are sixteen uneven spur marks and an incised character on the base.
图片[1]-flower-pot-stand BM-PDF-A.56-China Archive 图片[2]-flower-pot-stand BM-PDF-A.56-China Archive 图片[3]-flower-pot-stand BM-PDF-A.56-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Northern Song 11thC-12thC Room 95 label text:PDF A56Bulb bowl numbered seven This bulb bowl has studs around the rim and cloud-shaped feet. Its base has a ring of uneven spur marks and the Chinese character 七 (qi ‘seven) incised in the base before firing. It has been suggested that the numbers refer to sizes, with one the largest and ten the smallest size, which would help to match flower pots and stands. Unlike earlier Jun wares, which are often highlighted with contrasting purple splashes, these later wares feature blue or purple opalescent glazes without splashes of contrasting colours. Furthermore in contrast to earlier Jun wares, these numbered flower vessels are shaped by moulding.Stoneware body covered in blue and purple glazes with olive-green on base Numbered or Official Jun ware官鈞窯Juntai, Yuxian, Henan province 河南省, 禹縣, 鈞台Ming dynasty, about AD 1368–1435 PDF A56刻數字“七”球莖花盆(鼓釘洗)這件水仙盆口沿下飾一圈乳丁,以雲頭形足承托器身。器外底有一圈不均勻的支燒痕跡,並在燒窯前刻有數目字“七”。研究表明數目字與器物尺寸相關,數字一尺寸最大,十則最小。數字同時也可以方便花盆及盆托的配對。早期鈞窯常以紫斑裝飾,與器物的釉色對比鮮明。而包括這件器物在內的晚期鈞窯,僅是施藍色或紫色的乳濁釉,不另施彩斑形成色彩對比。與早期鈞窯器物更為不同的是,這些帶有數目字的晚期花器是模製成形的。炻器,施藍色及紫色釉,外底為橄欖綠色釉官鈞窯或帶數字鈞窯河南省禹縣(今禹州市)鈞台明代,約1368-1435年
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