flask BM-PDF-B.696

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1424

Dimensions:Height: 242 millimetres Width: 198 millimetres Depth: 102 millimetres

Porcelain flask of baoyue form. Two strap-handles attached to the shoulder. Underglaze blue with dense geometrical pattern with central star-shaped motif and numerous hexagonal and triangular panels. Cloud collars with flowers around mouth. Bands of tricorn patterns and detached flowers around foot. Unglazed base.
图片[1]-flask BM-PDF-B.696-China Archive 图片[2]-flask BM-PDF-B.696-China Archive 图片[3]-flask BM-PDF-B.696-China Archive 图片[4]-flask BM-PDF-B.696-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming 15th century Room 95 label text:PDF B696 ‘Pilgrim’ flask with geometric designThis flask is unusual in both its form and decoration. It has a round flattened body with a raised boss on either side, a splayed circular foot, two handles and a globular neck. The decoration is arranged in concentric bands, radiating out from a six-pointed star panel containing a lotus flower, encircled by its own foliage. The dense pattern of decoration is reminiscent of Middle Eastern inlaid metalwork. As well as producing objects following the shapes of Middle Eastern dining utensils for the overseas market, Jingdezhen craftsmen made objects inspired by Middle Eastern forms to fulfil court demand for foreign ‘exotica’. Later potters made copies of this type of vessel for the Yongzheng emperor (ruled AD 1723–35), as evidenced by an example in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue decorationJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF B696綬帶耳幾何纹“朝圣”扁壺这件扁壶的器形与装饰均非常独特。扁圆形器身 的两侧中央各有一呈凸起状的圆钮,下承外撇圈足,有双耳和圆颈。青花纹饰以同心圆的样式呈放射状从中心的六 角形开光向外层层铺排,开光内是一朵莲花。这种繁密的装饰,使人联想到中東的金属镶嵌器。景德鎮工匠們在按照中東餐具的造型為海外市場生產器物的同時,也燒造受中東器形和裝飾啟發的器物,來滿足中國宮廷對“異域風情”的需求。后來的陶工曾為清雍正皇帝(1723 ~ 1735年在位)仿烧这类扁 壶,如北京故宫博物院一件藏品所示。瓷器,青花江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403–1424年
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