Reading in an Open Hall

Reading in an Open Hall

  • Image Number: K2A001240N000000008PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: Zhao Bosu;趙伯驌
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧橢圓幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 24.9×26.7
  • Description:
    Zhao Bosu (1124-1182 AD) was named Xiyuan. He is good at landscape characters, especially in boundary painting. The garden is surrounded by open mountains, and the courtyard is rich in scenic spots. Pines, paths, curved sills, pools, and woods and bamboos and stones make the scenery quiet. Scholars sat on a small couch with feather fans in their right hands. Two ladies from the back window, and two other children came to serve tea. In the pavilion, a small seat screen (pillow screen) and a large picture screen are set on the roof. The couch is Ruyi foot, and the seat surface is made of rattan fabric. In front of the bed, there are tables with double legs, on which there are books and gall tanks. Two paintings are hung on one wall of the open porch. The furniture in the painting is typical of the Song Dynasty. Some scholars suspect that this painting is similar to the painting style of Qiu Yingzhi in the Ming Dynasty, but there is no final conclusion.

藝苑藏真(上) 冊 宋趙伯驌風檐展卷

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