Two Magpies at the Pine Spring

Two Magpies at the Pine Spring

  • Image Number: K2A001291N000000007PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: 馬遠
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 26.8×53.8
  • Description:
    Painters sit at the root of a pine tree with a brush in their hands. The rocks in the spring of a stream surround them. Double magpies fly low and drink. The water color and misty atmosphere leave a blank on the screen to show the spacious space and strong poetic flavor. The figure clothing pattern is outlined with a fine pen, while the loose stone is simply touched with a simple pen. It shows the strength of hard rocks by chopping with an axe. The strokes of the branches of pine trees are inclined and sharp, like bending iron, so it is called “dragging the branches and horses far away”. Ma Yuan, with the name of Qinshan, is a native of Shanxi Province. The Guangzong and Ningzong dynasties (1190-1224) of the Southern Song Dynasty waited for the imperial edict for the painting academy. The landscape, flowers and birds, and characters were all excellent. This painting is selected from the seventh volume of the Collection of Famous Paintings.

名畫集真 冊 宋馬遠松泉雙鳥

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