Period:Qing dynasty Production date:18thC
Dimensions:Height: 118 millimetres
Dehua porcelain figure of a standing Bodhidharma, with bare feet, is wrapped in a long cape held close in one hand, and in the other hand he holds a shoe.
![图片[3]-figure BM-PDF.428-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366288_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 428Figure of Bodhidharma and ivory standPotters made figures of gods and goddesses for domestic altars as well as to export at the Dehua kilns. Originally the figures were probably made as cheap alternatives to ivory carvings of deities also made in Fujian. Bodhidharma is the legendary founder of Chan (Zen) Buddhism in China. Soon after his death, Bodhidharma was seen walking back towards his native India. He was barefoot and with a single shoe in his hand. When his grave was later exhumed the only thing found in it was the shoe he left behind.Porcelain moulded and carved with transparent glaze, ivory standDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1800 PDF 428白釉達摩塑像(附象牙座)德化窯陶工製作的陶瓷神像不僅供國內供奉,也遠銷境外。在福建,陶瓷塑像的出現原本是為了替代象牙雕塑,因其成本更低。傳說中達摩是中國佛教禪宗的創始人,在其死後不久,就有人看到達摩走回到他的出生地印度。當時達摩赤腳,手持一隻鞋,所謂“只履西歸”。傳說達摩在中國的墓被發掘時,里邊僅發現了他留下的另一只鞋。瓷器,模塑,雕刻,透明釉,象牙座德化窯福建省德化清代,約1700-1800年
Dimensions:Height: 118 millimetres
Dehua porcelain figure of a standing Bodhidharma, with bare feet, is wrapped in a long cape held close in one hand, and in the other hand he holds a shoe.
![图片[1]-figure BM-PDF.428-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366283_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-figure BM-PDF.428-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366286_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-figure BM-PDF.428-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366288_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 428Figure of Bodhidharma and ivory standPotters made figures of gods and goddesses for domestic altars as well as to export at the Dehua kilns. Originally the figures were probably made as cheap alternatives to ivory carvings of deities also made in Fujian. Bodhidharma is the legendary founder of Chan (Zen) Buddhism in China. Soon after his death, Bodhidharma was seen walking back towards his native India. He was barefoot and with a single shoe in his hand. When his grave was later exhumed the only thing found in it was the shoe he left behind.Porcelain moulded and carved with transparent glaze, ivory standDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1800 PDF 428白釉達摩塑像(附象牙座)德化窯陶工製作的陶瓷神像不僅供國內供奉,也遠銷境外。在福建,陶瓷塑像的出現原本是為了替代象牙雕塑,因其成本更低。傳說中達摩是中國佛教禪宗的創始人,在其死後不久,就有人看到達摩走回到他的出生地印度。當時達摩赤腳,手持一隻鞋,所謂“只履西歸”。傳說達摩在中國的墓被發掘時,里邊僅發現了他留下的另一只鞋。瓷器,模塑,雕刻,透明釉,象牙座德化窯福建省德化清代,約1700-1800年
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