Laozi Riding an Ox

Laozi Riding an Ox

  • Image Number: K2A000071N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Zhao Buzhi;晁補之
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 50.6×20.4
  • Description:
    Under the constant invitation of his officials, Emperor Qianlong finally agreed to hold the first southern tour in the 16th year of Qianlong’s reign (1751). This picture is the first work left with praise during the first southern tour. The painting was signed by Chao Buzhi (1053-1110), a native of Shandong, who may have been regarded as a painting of Shandong sages by officials, or because the postscript had just passed the Taoist festival to celebrate the “Ninth Day of Yan”, so Emperor Qianlong especially chose paintings with Taoist character themes to enjoy. However, the trees, stones, clothes and pleats of the painting are like the leaves hanging on the upper left of the painting, with dark and light ink color blooming, which has a sense of confusion of light and shadow. It should be a work of “Zhejiang School” in the late Ming Dynasty. Emperor Qianlong wrote a poem quoting the allusion of Tao Te Ching left by Lao Tzu when he left the pass. For him who is embarking on his first grand tour in his life, he may also hope that his poems and essays on the journey can be preserved and cherished as the Tao Te Ching.

宋晁補之老子騎牛圖 軸

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