Stepping in Snow on a Plank Bridge

Stepping in Snow on a Plank Bridge

  • Image Number: K2A000111N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Ma Yuan;馬遠
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 99×59.1
  • Description:
    As the work of the sixth southern tour, the imperial poem “Jiachen” should be written in Yangzhou on the way back to Luan in leap March. The last two lines of the poem, “The one who writes the poem can paint the poem of rehabilitation, but how can no one in Mongolia love the jade”, refer to the poem writer on the right, Boyan Buhua. He is exactly the author of the picture of “Cloud Pines in the Ancient Gully” written by Emperor Qianlong about ten days ago, so there is a saying that “the one who writes the poem can draw the poem of rehabilitation”. The lower left corner of the painting, “Horse in the River is far away”, was added later. The observation of the rock block shape, figure outline, the habit of pleating clothes, and the angle of tree branches in the painting should be written by Ma Shi of the Ming Dynasty (active in the early and middle 15th century). This painting indeed shows the style and characteristics of Ma Yuan’s painting. No wonder Emperor Qianlong regarded it as a masterpiece of Ma Yuan.

宋馬遠板橋踏雪圖 軸

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