Ox Calling a Calf

Ox Calling a Calf

  • Image Number: K2A000192N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 97×52.4
  • Description:
    The leaves and spears have become ochre yellow after frost, and the autumn is deep. In the upper reaches of the plain, there were two cows, one big and one small. The calf was left behind, and when he was worried, he raised his nose and called. The cow stopped and looked back to wait, which showed that the mother and son were deeply in love. The painter depicts the singing of a calf, with his lips open, his front feet bent, his back high, and his tail gently shaking upward. The research and observation on the reaction of bones and muscles of cattle when they sing is very meticulous, which makes people look at it as if they can also hear the call of calves. It is a masterpiece without money in the Southern Song Dynasty.

宋人平疇呼犢 軸

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