Jade Cup in the Shape of a Lotus Leaf, Southern Song to Ming dynasties, 1127-1644 C.E.

Jade Cup in the Shape of a Lotus Leaf, Southern Song to Ming dynasties, 1127-1644 C.E.

  • Image Number: K1C001859N000000000PAH
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/jade jewelry/hornblende
  • Description:
    Yellowish green jade, brown and yellow all over, with some gray and white spots. Carved like a withered and folded lotus leaf, it is a triangle with wide upper part and narrow lower part, and the leaf edge is bent and wrinkled. The outer wall is carved with double yin lines to mark the leaf veins. The leaf stem starts to bend from the bottom center and then rises to the cup side. The red sandalwood seat, which is the accessory of the tool, is carved into a lotus like shape.

南宋至明 玉荷葉杯
图片[2]-Jade Cup in the Shape of a Lotus Leaf, Southern Song to Ming dynasties, 1127-1644 C.E.-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade Cup in the Shape of a Lotus Leaf, Southern Song to Ming dynasties, 1127-1644 C.E.-China Archive
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