dish BM-PDF.755

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1573-1620
Technique:incised, glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Diameter: 293 millimetres Height: 48 millimetres

Porcelain dish with gently rounded sides and flared rim. There is a vase of flowers incised and decorated in susancai style, with green, yellow and aubergine brown on-biscuit enamel in the centre, eight auspicious emblems in the cavetto, and a band of ruyi heads on exterior. There is a mark in yellow on green ground on the base.
图片[1]-dish BM-PDF.755-China Archive 图片[2]-dish BM-PDF.755-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Wanli 1573-1620 Room 95 label text:PDF 755 Dish with a flower vasePotters first incised this dish with a central design of flowers in a vase, with Eight Auspicious Emblems (八吉祥) with ribbons in the cavetto, with ruyi (如意) heads outside, and with a Wanli mark on the base, and fired it at the high temperature required for the porcelain body. Instead of covering it with a transparent glaze, they then high-lighted the main designs and reign mark in yellow, the ribbons in aubergine and covered the ground around it in green, all applied directly onto the biscuit-fired body, leaving each colour to dry before adding the next, then firing. This on the biscuit enamelling technique lends the colours a rather dark, dull appearance. Although Jingdezhen potters used this technique experimentally in the early Ming, about AD1403–35, examples of the Wanli period are rare and it did not become a commonplace technique until the early Qing period about AD 1644–1722. Porcelain, incised and with yellow, green and aubergine enamels on the biscuitJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Wanli mark and period, AD 1573–1620 PDF 755瓶花紋盤陶工們首先于盤心刻劃瓶花圖案,內壁為綬帶八吉祥紋,外部刻劃如意雲頭紋,器底刻萬曆年款,而後以燒成瓷胎所需高溫無釉素燒。然后陶工并未給瓷器整體罩透明釉,而是施黃彩來突顯刻劃的主題紋飾及年號款識,以茄皮紫彩繪綬帶,地子則遍施綠色,這些色彩皆為直接在無釉素燒胎上描繪,且每種釉彩晾乾後再施下一種釉彩,全部彩繪完成后,入窯二次燒成。這種在無釉素燒瓷胎上直接彩繪的技法,使釉彩呈現一種頗為深沉暗啞的效果。儘管明代早期(約1403-1435年)景德鎮的陶工們就已試驗性地採用了這種技術,萬曆時期的實例依然罕見,直至清代早期(約1644-1722年)才成為一種較為常見的技術。瓷器,劃花,素燒胎黃、綠及茄皮紫彩江西省景德鎮明代,萬曆,萬曆款,1573-1620年
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