Promenade in the Palace

Promenade in the Palace

  • Image Number: K2A001245N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: 郭忠恕
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧紈扇式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 25.9×26.5對幅尺寸同本幅
  • Description:
    The halls and pavilions are grand and beautiful, with flower halls on the left and right. The main hall and pavilions in the garden are connected by corridors and paths, and multi-level space changes add to the creation of the atmosphere. The imperial home is surrounded by long pines and miscellaneous flowers, and thick green trees block the sun. A man was riding a white horse in the square. The empress was about to mount the horse, and the palace attendants were swarming around. In the Southern Song Dynasty’s “Later Collection of Tiaoxi Fisherman’s Seclusion”, it said: “Cuihua wanted to be lucky in the Hall of Longevity. She immediately waited in front of the building for the imperial concubine. After looking back at the king, the golden saddle was too late.” This picture may take this theme to write the story of Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty and Concubine Yang visiting the garden. It was originally set as Guo Zhongshu (? – 977), but the painting style has entered the south.

宋人合璧畫冊 冊 宋郭忠恕宮中行樂

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