dish BM-2022-3034.227

Period:Yuan dynasty Production date:13thC-19thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 30.40 centimetres

Mottled grayish-green jade lobed dish carved in the form of an eight-petalled flower, with shallow, rounded and lobed sides rising from the flat base to an everted rim with raised outer edge, the semi-translucent stone with opaque buff and brown mottling and some russet veins.
图片[1]-dish BM-2022-3034.227-China Archive

Comments:Yuan or Ming, 13th-14th century. This wide and shallow bowl has eight well formed lobes that mould a broad rim, with ridges as divisions of the cavetto. There is a ledge around the outer edge of the rim. The centre of the dish is relatively flat and there is no footring. The surface has a soft polish. The jade is based upon a dish in a soft metal: silver or gold. The indented sides, the lobed profile and the ridge around the lip are all features of such metalwork. Gold and silver dishes of this shape appeared in the Tang period, and were developed in the Song, surviving in the same general shape into the Ming. A group of Tang period dishes decorated with animals was excavated in Liaoning province. They all have rounded petals, similar to those on the jade example. Somewhat later pieces from Luoyang in Henan and Tongdao in Hunan have rather more flattened petals. Emphatically lobed pieces of silver seem to have been particularly popular in the Song and Yuan periods, leading to the development of many related ceramic forms. Although there is no excavated evidence of Song and Yuan lobed bowls in jade, it is possible that the widespread use of silver bowls and their imitation in ceramics stimulated the jade carvers to make similarly shaped bowls. See Rawson 1995, p.392,
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