Ruyi-shaped pillow with incised design in white glaze, Ding ware type, Northern Song to Jin dynasty

Ruyi-shaped pillow with incised design in white glaze, Ding ware type, Northern Song to Jin dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B017426N000000000PAG
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: furniture
  • Description:
    The pillow is shaped like a dream. The front of the peripheral wall is high and the back is low. The pillow surface is slightly concave. Two round holes are left in the front peripheral wall, and the device is hollow. The fetal bone is solid, white glaze is applied to the pillow surface and surrounding wall, and gray white fetal body is exposed without glaze on the bottom. In the center of the pillow surface, draw a diamond edge around the outer edge of the brocade ground peony, and then draw a circle of cloud patterns, a circle of grass patterns, and the outermost layer of seven lines around the wishful grate. The bottom is engraved with Emperor Qianlong’s White Porcelain Pillow: “The stone pillow is not as good as flowing, and the stone pillow is not as good as washing the water. The porcelain pillow is firm and clean, and can be given as a gift. It is not only the quality of jade, but also the whiteness of white snow. It is not only the quality of grinding nirvana, but also the luster of brushing. It is like a fairy, and the spirit is full of accumulation. It can not be accompanied by my beautiful girl, and the color of powder is dirty. It can be recommended to the east of the bed, but also to the north. The Zhang’s pomegranate should be ashamed, and the Qian’s stone is not special. The empty hall is free in summer and noon, and the pine trees are covered with quiet seats. After this dream, the ancient wind is like a royal poem.”. At the end of the poem, “Qianlong Bingyin Emperor

北宋-金 定窯系白瓷劃花如意枕
图片[2]-Ruyi-shaped pillow with incised design in white glaze, Ding ware type, Northern Song to Jin dynasty-China Archive
图片[3]-Ruyi-shaped pillow with incised design in white glaze, Ding ware type, Northern Song to Jin dynasty-China Archive
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