The Eighteen Scholars

The Eighteen Scholars

  • Image Number: K2A001423N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 趙佶
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 28.2×550.2
  • Description:
    Drawing typical literati entertainment, including garden tour, poem writing, music playing, banquet, and the atmosphere is lively and happy. Tea, wine and delicacies were prepared for the party. Scholars enjoyed tea, wine, food and scenery in the brook pavilion, flower stone, pine and bamboo cluster. The servants prepare tea and wine. The square table has a full leg on all sides, and the lower part is decorated with a tooth bar and a tooth head. A tea set is placed on the table, and a tea tray is placed in the bamboo tea cage beside it. The two sided screen on the site is simple in shape, with corner brackets and foot buttresses underneath. The screen is framed with wood, and the upper part is in the form of mullion door, and the lower part is installed with boards. In the picture, the scholars sat around the table, and the box shaped waist tied pot door was popular in the Tang and Five Dynasties. This volume has been handed down from generation to generation. This is the best one among them. According to its brush and ink, the painting date is about after Qiu Ying of the Ming Dynasty.

宋徽宗十八學士圖 卷

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