Homecoming Ode

Homecoming Ode

  • Image Number: K2A001377N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 陸探微
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: ?43×142
  • Description:
    Lu Tanwei [“Southern Dynasty, Song Dynasty (A.D. 420-479)] was a native of Wu. He often served as an attendant during the Ming Dynasty (465-472). He got his name because he was good at drawing figures. He painted with a brush as sharp as a cone knife. His bones were clear, lifelike, and people were shocked to see the gods. The reviewers said that there were six methods of painting, which were both subtle and subtle. At that time, he was considered a great painter who inherited the past and the future. Tao Yuanming took a boat to carry chrysanthemums and returned home “Returning home”: “The boat shakes gently”, “The boy welcomes, and the child waits for the door”. According to Lu Tanwei’s painting traces, there are only dozens of Tang [famous painting records of previous dynasties] and only ten Song [Xuanhe painting scores]. This painting may be a work after the 13th century.

六朝宋陸探微歸去來辭圖 卷

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