Gui food container with thunder pattern, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE

Gui food container with thunder pattern,late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE

  • Image Number: span>Function:Food container, Ritual vessels
  • Material:mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:. The neck is decorated with cloud and thunder patterns, and the pottery pattern pattern is similar to this one, but the device has a rim with a ring and belt pattern, which is a single-layer pattern, belonging to the third style of Luo Yue. The feet are decorated with animal face patterns. There is no thunder pattern background. The main pattern is as high as the thunder pattern, which is the fourth style of Luo Yue. There is square foot hole 3 at the joint of the ring foot and the device, and there is square grid at the bottom of the device

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