Various Works of Calligraphy

Various Works of Calligraphy

  • Image Number: K2B000075N000000000PAH
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Xue Shaopeng;薛紹彭
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 26.1×303.5
  • Description:
    Xue Shaopeng (active in the second half of the 11th century AD), a native of Chang’an. The word Daozu comes from the Xue family of Hedong (Shanxi). At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Xue’s family was famous for literature, and it was known as the Three Phoenix in Hedong at that time, so he also called himself the descendant of the Three Phoenix. He is good at appreciation and calligraphy. He learned from the two kings of calligraphy and was deeply influenced by the rules of Jin people. The history of calligraphy said that his books were like the children of Wang Xie’s family and had the habit of being romantic. This book has four paragraphs of poems, prose and letters. The strokes are clumsy and ingenious, straight and vigorous. The pen is full of strokes, and the front is hidden without revealing. The ancient style overflows every inch.

宋薛紹彭雜書 卷
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