Refined clay inkstone, Song dynasty, Xuanhe reign (1101-1125)

Refined clay inkstone, Song dynasty, Xuanhe reign (1101-1125)

  • Image Number: K1F000467N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Studio implements
  • Function: Stationery
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The inkstone is rectangular in shape, with a wide and flat surface. It is bottle shaped at the place where the ink is drawn and is surrounded by string patterns. The mouth of the bottle is used as the ink pool. The two sides of the bottle shoulder are embossed with chi patterns to show the ear of the bottle. The chi patterns on the right shoulder are damaged. The inkstone is purple in color. There are cinnabar stripes on the surface of the inkstone, which seems to be traces left after use. The back of the inkstone is hand carved into a Gui shape. The seal character “Xuanhe” is engraved in the middle, and a poem made by Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty is engraved on the top, Running script: “Chengni Gong inkstone knows Xuanhe, and the small seal script has a sharp edge on the end of the mill. It can touch the ancient king without leaving his hand. The Taoist heart is pale in color and spring waves, and the pottery bottom is made of different copper tiles. The ink is more suitable for the people who live in the greenhouse. The greenhouses are often occupied by people who feel ashamed and sing songs in their spare time.” The title: “Emperor Qianlong’s title”, and the seal is printed with a “Emperor Qianlong’s reward”. On the left and right are the inscriptions of Chiang Pu, Wang Youdun, Liang Shizheng, Liu Tongxun, and other high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty, all in regular script. Inkstone spectrum says: The inkstone pottery is refined and firm as stone. It has been read for a long time, the ink light can be learned, and the seal cutting is also very ancient and beautiful.

宋 宣和澄泥硯
图片[2]-Refined clay inkstone, Song dynasty, Xuanhe reign (1101-1125)-China Archive
图片[3]-Refined clay inkstone, Song dynasty, Xuanhe reign (1101-1125)-China Archive
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