Gu wine vessel dedicated to Father Gui, late Shang period, c. 13yh-11th century BCE

Gu wine vessel dedicated to Father Gui,late Shang period, c. 13yh-11th century BCE

  • Image Number:K1A002127N000000000 PAC
  • Dynamic:Shang dynamic
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Archival dimension:Height 27.7 cm, diameter 15.1 cm, abdomen depth 19.8 cm, foot diameter 8.35 cm, foot depth 7.5 cm
  • Function:Wine container, Ritual vessels
  • Material:mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:; There are two stringed lines between the penis, abdomen and gastrofoot. There are inscriptions and stiffeners at the bottom of the device. The inscription “Zi Fu Gui” is placed on the foot wall, between two stiffeners. The shape and decoration style are similar to M613 Gu in the western area of Yin Ruins in Phase II of Yin Ruins and M172 Gu in the western area of Yin Ruins in Phase III of Yin Ruins

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