brush-washer BM-PDF.109

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1522-1620
Materials:stoneware, copper,
Technique:moulded, glazed,

Dimensions:Height: 45 millimetres Width: 135 millimetres Depth: 135 millimetres

Ding-type stoneware square brush-washer with eight lobed sides and a copper-bound mouth rim. Cream glaze. Three rams among clouds moulded in the centre, with arabesque leaf scrolls on the interior panels and a band of key-fret, and a narrow scroll on the rim. There is an inscription on the base.
图片[1]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[2]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[3]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[4]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[5]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[6]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive 图片[7]-brush-washer BM-PDF.109-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : 16th-17th century Room 95 label text:PDF 109Square brush-washer with three goat designPotters in the late Ming and Qing dynasties made copies of Ding wares at Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province, Zhangzhou in Fujian province and in other southern kilns. This Ding-type brush-washer has eight-lobed sides and a copper-bound mouth rim. Inside it has a moulded design of three rams or goats among clouds, with arabesque leaf scrolls in the cavetto. 三羊(san yang ‘three goats [or rams]’) is a popular New Year motif in China. There is an incised and gilded Qianlong inscription on the base which reads: 中矩自成方三羊義寓 陽佳 哉開泰運久矣息寒芒物每重[于]後品知那有常一時聊寄興五字亦成章乾隆丙申御題 (Zhong ju zi cheng fang san yang yi yu yang jia zai kai tai yun jiu yi xi han mang wu mei chong hou pin zhi na you chang yi shi liao ji xing wu zi yi cheng zhang. Qianlong bingshen yu ti. ‘The vessel is rectangular and would fit into a ju (carpenter’s square), The three goats thereon symbolize the yang principle. A beautiful object that ‘unfolds the prospects of good fortune!’ Long since have the disfiguring awns ceased to matter. For time enhances the value of all things. And there is no unchanging measure of their worth. Moved by the passing spirit of my thoughts. I improvise this verse, five words to a line. Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the cyclical year bingshen (AD 1776)’). Two seals at the end of the inscription read 幾暇怡情 (jixia yiqing ‘Clearing the mind after the myriad of state affairs’) and 得佳趣 de jiaqu (‘obtaining refined enjoyment’). Underfired porcelain with moulded decoration and a transparent glaze China 中國Ming dynasty, about AD 1522–1620 PDF 109白釉三羊圖方形筆洗自晚明至清,江西景德鎮、福建漳州及其他一些南方窯口的陶工都仿燒定窯器物。此定窯風格的筆洗總體呈方形,分八瓣,鑲銅口。內底印花三羊祥雲紋,內壁八面分飾卷草紋。三羊圖在中國是慶賀新年的傳統圖案。器底刻填金乾隆御制詩文:“中矩自成方,三羊義寓陽。佳哉開泰運,久矣息寒芒。物每重[於]後,品知那有常。一時聊寄興,五字亦成章。乾隆丙申御題。”意為:此器呈方形,製作規矩,三羊的主題蘊涵“陽”意。美麗的器物仿佛預示了好運的到來,也讓醜陋的“芒口”變得不再重要。時間增加了所有東西的價值,評判標準也不會恒久不變。這些想法存在於我的腦海之中,我便記錄下來,成為這首五言律詩。乾隆皇帝作于丙申年(1776年)。詩尾附“幾暇怡情”(在繁難的國事之餘澄淨心靈)、“得佳趣”(獲得精雅的樂趣)印兩方。生燒瓷器,模印花,透明釉中國明代,約1522-1620年
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