bowl BM-PDF.19

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1700-1775

Dimensions:Diameter: 58 millimetres (base) Diameter: 196 millimetres Height: 74 millimetres

Guan-type stoneware bowl with rounded sides and six-lobed mouthrim, on a small, low foot. The bowl has bluish-grey glaze with dark grey stained even crackle.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.19-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.19-China Archive 图片[3]-bowl BM-PDF.19-China Archive 图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF.19-China Archive 图片[5]-bowl BM-PDF.19-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song 12th-13thC Room 95 label text:PDF 19Lobed bowl with guan-type glaze and inscriptionIn the centre of the base is a red-stained character 甲pronounced jia indicating that this piece was regarded as the finest quality. The inscription reads: 純青雖覺遜官窑, 椀肖葵花意獨超, 義叶河圖宜貯水, 愛他生一有名標。 乾隆乙 未御題 Chunqing sui jue xun Guanyao, wan xiao kuihua yi du chao, yi ye hetu yi zhu shui, ai ta shengyi you mingbiao Qianlong yiwei yuti. It has been translated as: Its colour has not quite the pure clear of guan ware. But its sunflower form is excellently designed. The bowl containing Holy Water perfectly retains the good fortune ordained for it. I adore this vessel of Shengyi, who so richly deserves his reputation. Composed by the Qianlong Emperor in the cyclical year yiwei [AD 1775]. A seal at the end of the inscription reads: 古香 guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’. Stoneware with celadon glazeGuan ware 仿官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省, 杭州市Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1775 PDF 19仿官釉刻乾隆御制詩葵瓣碗器底中心刻“甲”字填紅彩,表示其品質被歸於最高等級。器底刻詩文:“純青雖覺遜官窯,椀肖葵花意獨超。 義葉河圖宜貯水,愛他生一有名標。 乾隆乙未御題。”意為:此器的釉色雖不如官窯純淨,但葵花造型的設計獨具匠心。用此碗盛裝聖水將會為修行之人保持好運。我喜愛章生一所造器皿,此人不負盛名。乾隆皇帝作于乙未年(1775年)。詩尾附“古香”(古物之芬芳)印一方炻器,青釉仿官窯器浙江省杭州市清代,約1700-1775年
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